Billings Photo Gallery

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Joey's sanding down the platform pieces. The boards look day and night better after sanding them down. We also put a quarter i

CIMG0226.jpg Almost done.ThumbnailsThe first piece of plyboard is cut and joey's taking a nap.  The king sized mattress will completely cover the plywood so there'Almost done.ThumbnailsThe first piece of plyboard is cut and joey's taking a nap.  The king sized mattress will completely cover the plywood so there'Almost done.ThumbnailsThe first piece of plyboard is cut and joey's taking a nap.  The king sized mattress will completely cover the plywood so there'Almost done.ThumbnailsThe first piece of plyboard is cut and joey's taking a nap.  The king sized mattress will completely cover the plywood so there'Almost done.ThumbnailsThe first piece of plyboard is cut and joey's taking a nap.  The king sized mattress will completely cover the plywood so there'Almost done.ThumbnailsThe first piece of plyboard is cut and joey's taking a nap.  The king sized mattress will completely cover the plywood so there'Almost done.ThumbnailsThe first piece of plyboard is cut and joey's taking a nap.  The king sized mattress will completely cover the plywood so there'

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